Sunday, August 31, 2003
I've got a Swedish Krona coin. A homeless man gave it to me. Someone else gave it to him. Isn't that a lousy scam? Lying and saying, "Sorry man, no change," is one thing but giving him a worthless coin? Shit. The man talked me into paying his bus fare asI waited for the 42. Then he decided to go and asked if I would just give him the money anyway. I was drunk and he'd given me a nifty Swedish coin (plus he'd made the wait go by quicker by talking about a club nearby) so I fell for it. It's an easy scam; play it three times and you'll have enough money for some cheap beer.
Take a US coin out of your pocket. Hold it so the picture is facing up the right way. Now turn it over, spinning it left/right. The picture on the other side is upside down. Not so with the krona, where the picture on each side (a face and a crown) are pointing the same direction.
posted by weiss @ 10:21 PM
Sleeping till 3:00 P.M.? ... Cool.
In spite of the fact that Blogging about it may not be cool, I still chose to do so. Eric Kanagy's telephone call rudely woke me up today while I was trying to get my sleep. I then found myself in a state of shock, since I would have guessed it was five hours earlier. At least I got a healthy 12 hours of sleep.
posted by D-Bo @ 9:51 PM
just to be sure:
we haven't even been in school for a week yet?!?
posted by kate @ 2:10 PM
Friday, August 29, 2003
So there's a big "get-to-know-you" thing at McFadden's tonight. Maybe if my housemates are doing other stuff and both Tasara and Helen are busy I'll go. But don't count on it.
Also, today I have to go and try to get a bank account. That should be interesting. I have a massive check for all the money I have to live off of until January. Hopefully they'll let me deposit it and give me checks. They better, fools.
Also, there are a million-and-one cool people coming to the 9:30 club. Unfortunately, I have no concert-going friends in DC. Grr. I have to make some, and quick before Lucinda Williams sells out.
posted by weiss @ 11:22 AM
Girlyman, Sept. 6 at the Brew
So, I go through these phases. Sometimes I find myself hardly ever Blogging and then other times (like now) I feel like I almost become obnoxious. Sorry if this is the case. I just felt the need to tell everybody who reads the Blog that Girlyman is returning to Goshen: "the Land where [their] conversion van was made." I really enjoyed being introduced to this band's music when they debuted at the Brew last school year (I recently bought their debut album). So if you're interested, they do their thing at 8 P.M. (I'll be there!)
posted by D-Bo @ 12:46 AM
Throughout the past few years I have slowly come to grips with the fact that my dad has a mullet, and he has had one for at least as long as I've been alive. I was again reminded of this fact as my dad and I were walking into a restaurant the other week when, as we were walking through the parking lot, a car drives by with its window rolled down and we hear: "MULLET!" My dad just looked confused for a second and looked at me and said, "Were they talking to you?" I answered back, "No, I have no idea whom they were talking to." Oh well, at least he's happy, living in his ignorance.
posted by D-Bo @ 12:26 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2003
rules are rules
mikes right.
it's happened before.
and some theater students are starting a film club based on my film list.
which hasn't happened before. but is happening now.
email phoebe or something if you're interested. or maybe i'll post when we're gonna meet first.
i love my schedule.
i love you too.
posted by eric @ 10:17 PM
posted by sasha @ 6:56 PM
die siedler
So I played Settlers of Catan with my housemates last night. I lost, as always. But here's something I need to know: didn't we play that you could only build one road at a time? Is that a house rule or is that just in the German version? Or am I making that up? 'Cause Jeff screwed me big time by building three roads in one turn, cutting off my hopes of connecting to get the GroBelangestrasse. And I thought you weren't allowed to do that.
posted by weiss @ 11:54 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
"Goshen College, please hold."
Monday was extremely hectic. I trained three people!!! And there were two times when all five off-campus phone lines were blinking! With that many people calling in, it's hard to remember who asked for what and so forth, prompting me to welcome somebody's call with the jarring comment: "Yes, we have sculpture."
posted by D-Bo @ 7:51 PM
So I hope you guys are all surviving your fall semesters. We had a big storm here in DC same as you. Knocked down trees and whatnot. I was sitting in the lounge at the law school when it happened and I laughed at all the well-dressed people scurrying in out of the pouring rain.
And while you're all partying to celebrate things, I'd advise you to keep your pants on. There's a certain individual I recall having problems with this at one point last year. Robin, we're looking at you here. And you thought I would just be kind and let you forget it...
posted by weiss @ 5:18 PM
Good bye Bob Evans, and good riddance!
My thoughts on the subject.
posted by meg @ 5:17 PM
Monday, August 25, 2003
Went to watch Tim and Jeff play on the Christ House softball team against the Office of Management and Budget Baseliners. The Christ House Batitudes lost 8 to 10, sadly. Afterwards we went to Millie & Al's in Addams-Morgan.
In other good news, Tasara emailed me back with her phone number. I was hoping she'd want to hang out.
posted by weiss @ 9:49 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Hey, that thing in the fountain went off pretty well, didn't it?
So the thing in the fountain went pretty well today. Good friends, good corn, good times in the water. It's always nice to see the fresh young things
all 250 of them and play hackey-sack with the new Josts and Fairfields (
aka the American Puppies). Thank goodness I wore the neat-o red boxers today (and, actually, yesterday, as well as the day before...) Anyway, the FMLN is now off to a grand start. A big thanks to Joel, Ben, So, Julia, Lanny, Jodi, Paul and Tim. Tim's putting a new site up-- the Underground Railroader, official mouthpeice of the FMLN, and actions are forthcoming.
Oh, and there's a soccer game tonight. 7:30-ish. Bring a trashcan.
And for fuck's sake, get out there and rock the, it's good for everybody.
posted by sasha @ 3:18 PM
for those of you who weren't there:
the excitment of the night was orange and chunky.
the excitement of the morning was the mothers of our new
american puppies arriving in search of their previous american dogs' furniture
posted by kate @ 1:32 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2003
The party turned out to be okay. I had to explain Mennonites. I didn't talk much. That's always the trick. People love to talk about themselves. Gay Buddhists. Jewish lesbian Bostonites. White liberal Seattlites. White Texan philosophy grad students married to white liberal Seattlites. And so on. And about 10pm everyone left to go bar hopping. Everyone except me. I went home on the metro.
Where I found Tim Kennel. He'd been in Vancouver for a family reunion for the past week but is home now. I talked to him about his job (eliminating bad addresses from Census Dept. lists), tried to find NBC (unsuccessfully so no SNL), read personal ads (some very optimistic: "looking for petite female (under 120 lbs.)"), and drank iced mint tea with vanilla Bacardi which almost was the highlight of the night.
posted by weiss @ 11:41 PM
posted by weiss @ 5:25 PM
overheard while napping in my sister's room on miller 2nd:
"hey! there's a guy in that room. i don't think he's supposed to be there, do you know who he is?"
"no, i don't"
fits of giggles
posted by joel @ 4:34 PM
The Self-Appointed King of Bad Timing
Well, I'm bored at the switchboard. It's Saturday and we're open because it's orientation weekend (we're also open tomorrow). I think I'm averaging about three or four calls an hour. So anyway, I was pretty bored and called up Landon and talked to him for a while. I ended that conversation with the comment, "Well, there's nobody else here so I guess I could just masturbate" (completely in jest obviously, I don't do such things at the switchboard!). So I'm sitting at the computer going through my e-mail when who else but Ron Stutzman walks out of his office. I don't know how he could have
not heard my comment! Then, after he closes and locks all of the doors that he needs to, he says something to the effect of "See you later," but I swear he had this little smirk on his face as if to say "Yeah...."
posted by D-Bo @ 2:22 PM
Friday, August 22, 2003
There's no place like...
home, which is where I'm headed. Tonight! I'm getting a ride from Scottdale with my great-aunt and uncle, and should be in around 7pm. Party at Nate's what?
And to get us back in that scholarly, back-to-school mode, here's
a little paper about London and hip-hop. It's last-midnight computer-lab stuff, but that's what a degree is made of.
See you on the Brick couch tonight,
sasha miguel
posted by sasha @ 7:28 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2003
"Such a nice young man!"
My mother informed me that as young Sir Michael Shank exited the financial aid office, Judy Moore, somebody else who works in that office, made this remark. Keep up the good work, Mike! :)
posted by D-Bo @ 6:04 PM
For Robin- I think the book you mean is A Farewell to Arms. It takes place in Italy during the Great War. Can't be sure if I remember the sniper rifle (it's been a while) and there's a woman in basically every Hemmingway book (except when there's a fish), but I think that's it.
- You should go for Katie Yoder. She goes to East Chestnut Street. Of course, that does mean that she's in Lancaster which does limit her geographic accesibilty, but maybe your location or hers will change. And I won't tell her ex anything about it. Steve Zimmerman is a 3L here at GW.
And the first day of classes was not too hard. My classmates are bright, but not any brighter than I am. I'll do fine.
posted by weiss @ 3:13 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Calico Jenny Kidd
Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
just for the record, when i answered all the questions honestly, i came up with what i believe is the most boring pirate name possible. so i lied a little to make myself look cooler. or at least more colorful.
posted by julia @ 2:00 PM
Mad Morgan Bonney
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
I don't know what they're talking about. Unpredictable smunbredictable.
also, do I sense a computer a t work here? bonney = "You can be a little bit unpredictable..."; kidd = "traditional swaggering gallant..."
mind the puncuation.
posted by meg @ 1:58 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Black Tom Bonney
Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
boy, I´ll say.
(and thats bonney, not boney. though the difference may be small. either way i´m pessimistic at times.)
I have finnished 3 books so far. And burned the skin off my back. Arrr.
You all ought to try marriage for a change. honeymoons have a lot going for them.
so do cuba libres. and the ¨purple parrot special.¨ Arrrr.
See you all soon.
keep your buckles swashed till I get back.
posted by eric @ 10:02 PM
So, what's going to happen to our web site (getyourshoupon) once the next school year starts? Is it strictly a Shoup 2002-03 site or are we planning on passing it on to the next generation of Shoupers?
Just curious,
Red Jack Rackham
(And Kate, it's penis
posted by D-Bo @ 12:57 PM
better yet:Red Charity RackhamPassion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!* although, in my personal opinion, it kinda sounds like a british football team
p.s. Derek interesting that you should bring up "penis puberty", i actually checked out "The Ancient Art of Genital Origami" from our very own Goshen Library last Thursday, i'll be sure to get it in on time to avoid a late fine late fine.
posted by kate @ 12:39 PM
Okay, so I am now a law student. Katie Yoder (Sara and Jessica's older sister) warned me that there's very much an attitude here of hard drinking as a way to deal with stress. "No biggie," I thought, "same holds at Dam Green." But it is different somehow when the administrators themselves are advocating it. It's really weird.
Not sure about making friends. We have small-section legal writing and I wave at those people when I pass them on the sidewalk, but everybody here has so much money that it's kind of weird. There are probably some good people here, though; out of 1500 there has to be. I'll find them tomorrow at club breakfast. Arrr!
Also, I am writing this on my laptop which is connected through a godawful expensive wireless card. It's nifty I guess, but also kind of crazy.
The church bells outside are actually playing a tune, but I don't recognize it.
Finally, I do like my housemates and I find that I do enjoy riding the bus. It's such a low-stress way to get around, especially when all the routes run at least every ten minutes.
posted by weiss @ 11:17 AM
Iron Anne Kidd
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with me, though, since I am that person. Even though I'm not always the traditional swaggering gallant, my steadiness and planning make me a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
*eh, i'm not convinced, I think a better pirate name would be "scampithilempiph." OH NO! it's the dread pirate "aaagkmblechbwaht" she's coming to take all our cheese and eat it too! jump the deck nothing stands in the way of the terrible "waaandiprchragggigla!!"
posted by kate @ 11:11 AM
More Pirate Fun (+booty!)
Since I know we're all really looking foward to September 19th to get our
Arrrrr! and
Avast ye mateys! on, go
find out what your pirate name is and try to get people to call you that all day.
For example, mine is "
Iron Sam Flint" ('cause I'm hard and sharp like the rock flint but also easily chipped and sparky, apparently). Arrrrr!
thongs! Approved by
Mr Dave Barry!
posted by sasha @ 12:10 AM
Monday, August 18, 2003
Lice, penis puppetry...and other fun things!
Julia Hershberger so kindly checked and she did not find one louse crawling around my scalp. I was a little paranoid because Scott Huston has them and we were just in a play together (and I bet that he's very appreciative of the fact that I just shared that with you all). The play is now over and we didn't go to Chicago and I'm going to get my bonus for working there a certain number of days (actually I have not missed a day yet!). Yay! So now I'm not exactly sure what all to do with my free time. I guess I can concentrate this next week on getting all of my shit together and moving it to the House (Formerly Known as "Vita") or 12th Street House, as the geniuses up in Student Life chose to rename it. So, my sister went (with her boyfriend and a former GC student) to a Chicago-based show entitled
Puppetry of the Penis: The Ancient Art of Genital Origami where two men show off the fact that they can make their penes look like various animals and stuff. Weird. Now, I would like to conclude this e-mail by stating my annoyance at our college library for giving me a late fee for not paying my late fee in time (they gave me a week!). Maybe I'm overreacting, but to me that's a little excessive. They took $8 out of my account instead of the 3 that they should have. I feel like going bitchcakes on their asses!
posted by D-Bo @ 7:48 PM
guatemala, me, lindsy, and a honeymoon
hey all, congrats on the play, phys plant labor and everything else. yo y Lindsy estamos en Antigua , Guatemala rocking it. We´re having a great relaxing time here (though we miss yáll).
Thanks to those of you that helped out with the wedding, or even just showed up. it was a great time for us, we hope it was for you too.
mike, the list will come, patience...
peace and love,
husband and wife
posted by eric @ 2:19 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2003
So I listened to MC Solaar while I unpacked and I remember now just how great of an album
Prose Combat is. Oh yeah. My room is large and now very neat, though lacking in windows. Oh well. We have DSL and two phone lines here at Harvard. I will be happy here. But I will need to listen to MC Solaar on Monday morning to get psyched up to meet other GW students. They seem very scary. I will wear my army-surplus pants and then I will feel able to take them on.
posted by weiss @ 9:07 PM
It has happened.
Yes folks, it has. Today I witnessed little Yummy running out of the house to flick off (some of us say "flick", not "flip") her neighbor, quite fervently I might add, as her neighbor walked away from her house.
posted by meg @ 8:05 AM
Friday, August 15, 2003
I am employed!
yay for me i got a job at south side, hurrah for white button down shirts and black pants! hurrah also for training wed. morning and working wed. night, then sat., then wed., thurs., and friday!! yay, i will have money and i won't have to beg fried mush off of eric anymore! speaking of which, great party rubber!
as for top five books:
4. Derek Franklin "Flash MX creative web animation and interactivity"
5. the HTML Bible
2. Margret Wise Brown "Run Away Bunny"
3. Yann Martel "Life of Pi"
1. David Macaulay "the way things work"
posted by kate @ 2:33 PM
Thoughts from Packing Up
- What about these white pants I bought for SST? Could they be cool? Should I bring them? They look okay with the Leonardo shirt, right? They're so wrinkled that it's hard to tell. I wish someone was here to consult me on this.
- So I was putting away my pants and I heard this jingle. So I looked through the pockets.
And then I found 26c!
- Everything comes to you. I have to pack. I have to pack. I have to pack. I have to pack.
And now it's all packed. I'm going to run some errands, then put the boxes and bags in the garage. (Five books coming soon, I swear.)
posted by weiss @ 2:06 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Last day at work was so-so, except for an argument with Gideon about racism and Jody not showing.
Sasha, good to hear that the lights are back on for you.
Robin, sorry (again) that I'll miss your birthday.
But most interestingly, Rachel Hoover finally called today. We'd planned on hanging out in August but it never happened. We talked about her time in Germany. I caught her up to Goshen gossip which, even though I'm not Ross Bay, was very easy because she knows basically nothing.
posted by weiss @ 10:05 PM
Power to the people
Robin: Happy birthday, yo.
Jesse: Lollapalooza?
All: Hope
you gots power.
Getting really excited about seeing you (I'm coming around the 23rd),
sasha miguel
posted by sasha @ 7:02 PM
Sorry, Brick House, for vomiting on your bushes. Though I suppose it was probably all for the best. I learned some very important lessons. Like: don't drink so much, fool.
Today is my last day at work. I have very mixed feelings about this. I'm nervous about it, feel good about leaving some parts, feel like I'm walking out on others.
But I'm magnificently excited to be moving to DC on Saturday. Just as soon as I get done packing. I got a kid called Matthew Smucker (he came through Goshen last winter) to promise to hook me up with good people in DC, so that's a solid step towards finding friends, though I doubt they'll ever be as good as the ones I'm leaving. I'll miss you guys.
posted by weiss @ 7:53 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Cult of Amélie
Well, here it is. Meg, you remember? Yes. Paris. Rocking it. Well, better get back to painting the house. Peace, y'all.
posted by sasha @ 2:58 PM
Harry Potter's mama
Well, it looks as if Alfonso Cuaron, director of
Y Tu Mama Tambien and
Amores Perros, will be directing
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (the third film in the
Harry Potter franchise). I just thought that was kind of exciting. I will also throw in a plug here for
meFausto, showing at the Goshen College Umble Center. Well, actually the show is over. Thanks to everybody who came!
"Who needs Viagra? I have the gesture."
posted by D-Bo @ 1:16 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2003
the kings and queens party went over nicely for those of you who missed it, the only problem was the lack of beds at the end of the night, I think we needed about 9 or 10 overall. My apologies to all of you who were sleeping on the floor.
Tonight: Rocky horror on the projection unit...perhapse? who knows.
posted by meg @ 9:24 AM
Friday, August 08, 2003
Sat. Post wedding. Brick. See you there. |
posted by kate @ 4:52 PM
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Careful, buddy, those are a shitload of toes you're about to step on. Just 'cause you're all graduated and in DC and all, doesn't mean you can beat up on us for doing our full four (or, Derek, six) years. Speaking of law school, feel free to tell us what GWU is like. Katherine is applying there (she got a 162, by the way) and she's curious.
Also: Is it too early to start congratulating yet? Eric & Lindsy, I'm really happy for you. Here's wishing you the best this weekend and in the many happy years to come.
sasha miguel
posted by sasha @ 1:30 PM
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
- I usually try to be sympathetic to Goshen College staff. They have to put up with undergrads, who aren't always the most pleasant of people and they have to do rather unpleasant tasks. But I still want to ask if anyone else gets the feeling that Joy Hite secretly gloats slash fantasizes about people being "inconvenienced" by occasional closings of the physical plant.
- This week's Red Meat almost made me stop eating Baked Cool Ranch Dorritos. Almost.
- Staying up until 2am playing Civ II on the new laptop: good idea or bad idea?
posted by weiss @ 8:47 PM
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
So my little sister decides she wants to come to Goshen to see Anna. So that means six people coming. So we're taking two cars! And I get to take the new Jetta with the good sound system! And now I have wheels while in Goshen! Oh life is good. Also: my new laptop came!
posted by weiss @ 10:36 PM
howard dean uses blogger?!?
how cool is that?
check out all the fun at
there's more dean here than you can shake a stick at
posted by kate @ 4:40 PM
French Movie Night
Hey al, french movie night, tomorrow (wednesday) at brick house, there are quite a few to choose from and we don't
have to watch Moulin Rouge. But anyway, there will be french bread, brie, maybe some other stinky french cheese if kroger has any. 7:00 yay!
posted by meg @ 10:58 AM
Monday, August 04, 2003
fath: So are you going to make it back to Goshen in time for "Meyer Wedding: The Empire Strikes Back"? I'll be there, and I'd love to see you.
posted by weiss @ 8:29 PM
good-bye fried rice, good-bye subway, good-bye ocean...
yes indeed. fath is returning to g-town. in 20 hours i will travel to the HK international airport, board a metal tube, spend the next 20 hours in a complete euphoric/sentimental daze whilst i fly over the home of ryan and lisa miller in ketchiken, alaska and listen to cd after cd.
so, this is probably the last official HK post on the shoup blog. i guess this means the crazy little ad should come off the shoup home page as well. i will be at the wedding.
please note:
Star Wars Bowling for Columbine
yours in the east,
fathy baby
posted by joel @ 8:06 PM
The Town Where No One Got Off...starring Jeff Goldblum???
So, I was up at the Goshen Public Library today looking through their video selection when I noticed a familiar title,
The Town Where No One Got Off. I did not know that such a thing existed. I didn't borrow it, but it might be worth checking out sometime to see how other people went about committing this to film. It is only 26 minutes long. I believe that it was originally made as an episode of the '80s show, "The Ray Bradbury Theatre." But anyway, while I was up there I picked up the movie
Bambi. I have it for the next three days, so if anybody would be interested in watching it, I'll probably watch it at Brick sometime soon.
posted by D-Bo @ 2:44 PM
Dyck's list
1. The Planet of Junior Brown
2. The Usual Suspects
3. Chat blanc, chat noir/Chacun cherche son chat
4. La guerre des tuques
5. The Mission/Amen.
posted by sasha @ 12:06 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2003
2. Cool Hand Luke/City of Lost Children
3. Magnolia/Moulin Rouge
1. Clerks/Mallrats
4. The Mighty Ducks/zoolander
5. High Fidelity
posted by kate @ 9:38 PM
fath's list
1. Power of One
2. Shrek
3. Hero (Chinese)
4. Once were Warriors (New Zealand)
5. Star Wars
posted by joel @ 8:09 PM
Meg's list:
1. Magnolia
1. Moulin Rouge
2. All about Eve
3. Star Wars
4. The Thin Blue Line
5. Rear Window
posted by meg @ 9:18 AM
Saturday, August 02, 2003
Subject to change:
It's always hard for me to choose my favorite of anything. But when asked what 5 of my favorite movies are, these are some that immediately pop into my head:
The Graduate,
The Producers,
Swing Time,
Rosemary's Baby and
City Lights. I consider these to be classics that everyone should see. I own the first two, should anyone be interested in watching either of those.
posted by D-Bo @ 9:58 PM
Mike, yes you have asked me about music theory, but not in that wide-eyed way that my sister does where I get to talk about it for minutes on end. Yeah.
Yesterday we went to the library, my sister and I. I got a new library card and trashy novels about lizard-men from outspace. And some lizard-women, too, though they've just started showing up. This evening is a dinner with old church friends.
Katie, I did try to call you last night while I was hanging out with Jacob, but your phone was busy. When I got home at 10:30 I called again but no one picked up. What are you up to tonight? I'll call.
posted by weiss @ 11:52 AM
hey kate,
dude, maybe you should take a tip from your sister and be supportive of O'Hara. She's making herself all vulnerable and all, admitting to a Cher concert, least we can do is let her know that we are still there for her... I mean, we can only acheive true harmony and peace when we
all admit to our sinful and broken natures.
I, for one, watched Harry Potter II yesterday.
posted by sasha @ 9:21 AM
Friday, August 01, 2003
Captain Blog: Oh no! Not another "bored" blog!
Meg: Mais Oui! subtitle: mais oui!
I am watching Cool Hand Luke in French with French subtitles. The Plastic Jesus song, in case you were wondering, remained intact; there was no singing in French and there were no subtitles either. Yes, I am bored. I would ask where everyone is, except that I know where everyone is. I’m just here, alone, +snif+, learning French.
Interview Katie*
Meg: Katie, why the fuck were you at a cher concert.
Katie: three reasons:
a) My friend’s dad works at a recording studio
b) I was looking for men looking to meet men
c) It’s a gateway concert, next I’ll be popping Spears, dropping J Lo, and snorting fity cent
*ok, so I didn't actually interview katie. However, I would like to remind you that I am very bored and am in no way responsible for my blogging
posted by meg @ 9:27 PM
Anybody for a vomit-flavored jelly bean?
So I was bored and went to at work today (I just kind of feel at home there) and they were selling Harry Potter jelly beans (by Jelly Belly). So now we are actually priviliged enough to see what black pepper, spinach, sardine, dirt, booger, ear wax and vomit jelly beans taste like!
posted by D-Bo @ 4:53 PM
dude, my mom wanted
me to marry a cop name Witmer, but he smelled like cottage cheese and honey, so i kicked him in the shins and ran away
posted by kate @ 10:45 AM