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"An industrial capitalist society that does not recognize ecological limits but only perpetual economic expansion and has the profit motive as driver, will eventually consume and destroy itself."

"But we will all be taken down with it."

David Orton

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Wednesday, November 26, 2003


note all the alcohol, and TURKEY!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003


Yeah, I've been listening to it quite a bit, too, and just earlier today I sat down and played through the whole album with varying degrees of success.

And Mike, thanks for calling Neil on his shit regarding those orchestral bits. I mean, really, what was he thinking?

I'm going home for the weekend, though, and I'm going to give the CD back to my dad. I've got it copied onto my hard drive, along with the top half of my CD collection. It was his to begin with anyway, and how is he ever going to develop good taste if I continue making off with every good CD he buys? I'm not quite sure when I grabbed this one, but it's time for it to go home and join Car Wheels and Boston, huddling together, holding back the tide of Campus Chorale: 2001 and various other assorted pieces of mediocrity that my parents have bought out of compulsion and ignorance.

some soa highlights

Things That Make Me Feel Like I'm Living Large

  1. Wireless networking at Harvard House.
  2. A Thanksgiving break that includes Wednesday.

Only one pink line

For those of you who are interested, I got my home pregnancy test results. It came back negative. It's kind of disappointing. We were hoping. (I didn't like the whole pissing in a cup thing, though.)

Monday, November 24, 2003


Hey, get your Philosophy of Science on.

Y'all gotta follow this stuff.

And Jules, the film makers got the footage because they were filming a documentary about Chavez when the coup began and well, it quickly became a documentary about the coup when they got swept up in the events. I heard them talking on the radio the other week.

This is terrible, but also kind of terribly funny

Weapons of Math Instruction found!

Also: Tony Blair gets his reward after all.

Yup, it's also a great song [mp3 format]. I like the AMG description of "Tones: Confrontational." If anybody wants to borrow the CD, come on by, I got it for Christmas a couple years ago.

And speaking of Christmas, how 'bout that holiday snow today! Warm me to the bottom of my cold Canadian heart.

The Revolution,... well, it WAS televised, actually.

Let me recommend to all a great documentary made by some Irish folks, entitled The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. It essentially is the entire attempted coup against the Venezuelan government under Chavez on film. How they got all this footage, I have no idea. Those Irish are amazing. Anyway, see Landon Yoder or Joel Fath to borrow it.

P.S. I believe the title comes from a poem of the same name by Gil Scott-Heron, which I also recommend exploring, by the way.


Friday, November 21, 2003


Boo for bob for blogging shit and starting false rumors.

ajh? ashley hegerfeld? aubrey helmuth? alma hernandez? anna herdeck? andrew herstam? andrew histand? amanda hooley? anita hooley? ashley hooley? adrian horst? andrew horst? alice houston? april hostetler? ann hostetler?!? annie hall???

p.s. that does look like alburn, and, my best guess, some lancaster folk... do i see a susan wenger in there?
p.p.s. meg is still in goshen, at least until this evening (referencing andrea's post)

Dude, that is definitely them. Or, at least, definitely people standing around a man who looks exactly like Alburn Binkley and is wearing a WGCS t-shirt:

GCers in Miami?

Yeah, check out the main page for the orginal, and there's a nice gallery from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel as well.

Also, news:
+ nice & concise
+ BBC is comprehensive
+ AP wire story
+ Indymedia rundown

hey bitch, you can take your national holiday and shove it up your ass.

Also: just kidding.

Also: There is a national holiday coming up (in many ways...), so what are people doing? How will you show your Thanksgiving?

Thursday, November 20, 2003

hey bitch, i sent you the invitation, where's my national holiday?

Yes, it's all about the nanotechnology, all the time!

soa group
katie o, katie ho, kate, meg, alisa, landon, christina and paul, as for as shoupers go. other folks who you might know include, joel fath, julia, val, sarah phend, Andrea Milne, sean kauffman, Ben Beachy, nate pellman, Alburn, Charletta and Tim, Micah Jost, cory scott, and rosanna
and then there's also Brett Burnham, Sondra Eby, Veloris Hess, David Glick, Andy Horst, Scott Lehman, Jeff Bauman, Julio Joel Beachy, Emily Hershberger, Abby Trollinger, Katie Yoder, Joel Miller, Adrienne Laws Landis, Ryan Peachy, Miriam Miller, Rachel Derstine, Sarah Swartzendruber, Jesse Stoltzfus, Kristin Gautcher, Miriam Mohamed, Jon Martin, Beth Bender, Erini Shields, Erin Williams, Hilary Mayhew, Kareem Lehman, Ebony Goodwin, and Claire (Sarah's friend)

Thought I'd pass this along to Eric. I'd hate to see him have to deal with a fine.

Also, who all is going to Ft. Benning? Find me on FRS channel 9 or in the black hooded sweatshirt that I got from the lost-and-found at LMH and wear obsessively.

What I'm doing with my day.
Well, that and worrying. Goodness, how do people with family in the military in Iraq deal with this every day? Maybe you just get used to it.

okay, so i got home and crouched over my computer which is sitting on the floor to write an e-mail and the cat crawled on my back, and there it's been sitting and purring for the past half hour.... oh what to do...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Cage is a motherfucker

I agree with him completely. My problem is with people who try to distinguish between "pretentious" art and art that isn't. if any art is pretentious - it all is.

especially mine.

I'm sitting here running lights. boy am i enjoying this show! I think I'll take it with me!

Art Theory #2

who cares? what makes a bit of pretention so bad? and there is a way out, besides the one mentioned by my dear robot friend.

Pretention is pretense. If you admit to it, it's no longer a pretense.

it's nothing to kill yourself over. the point is that you can hardly worry about the possible pretentiousness of your art and still produce any art at all. you just have to accept the fact that most likely your art is no better than the tree you killed to produce it, get over it, and go on.

it's only if you can't get over it that you are stuck in robot tigre's death spiral.

baisically it's an argument against that damn paralizing middle class intelectual existential perfectionism that we all have a tendancy to fall into in our happily cynical way.

and kate, it isn't that secret of a secret. do a google search. while you're at it: check out #1 on the image search.

and i like the new colors. chalk one up for yay.


... Wow. ... That's really all I have to say.

Welch v. Sleater-Kinney

Well, at first I was kind of miffed, thinking that as Ang had just become too sick to come that there was no point spending $25 to go to this show as I won't be able to use it as leverage to drag her along to things I want to see, but then it turned out to pretty cool. And I do really like Tim Godshall and Bronwyn, even though there's no hope of ever dragging them along to see something louder and faster. And I supposedly met someone, but I can't remember that very clearly.

But what really turned the night around was My Morphine. I don't think I've ever heard that song before but damn, I'm in love. Other highlights included Jimi Hendrix and a good old-timey sing-along. And seeing someone else play guitar and harmonica at the same time.

And getting away from the books, thank goodness. Though I did miss a phone call.

I want a banjo for xmas.

the secret world of eric meyer

Kate,this just about knocks my socks off.

Between your psychedelic colours and Meg's drunken ramblings it just feels like an opium den and a half in here.

ohmygod! what have they done?
Ha ha, just kidding, i'll put it back, just thought i'd share with you the beauty of color for a couple of hours :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

posteriity., burnt lips, wrong ends

its amazing to think that not one hour a oI was sober, more: why talking, huh?

time to sleep

oh man, I just read the bl0og, not really, but I atleast tlooked at the page soooo gunny, I must be soo drunk, maybe I'lll just make oooooooos, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, and again, ooooooooooooooooooo, silly, oooh, this is so wierd, fucking chamagne, I hope I get t o paint soo, wher eare the fucking airleine tickets, tehe smile keeps disapearing, is this understandable, I hare spelling. silly speeling, silliy small keys, hurray for the backspave key, t does so much, it erases the past, you never knowew what exited before hand, but I bet you're wondering, nothing, nothing,m it was all made up. I got a fuckin A minus on a piece of shit nothing work, what thie hell, fucking profs, fuckit I hate it, what happened to pucuation aaywa, what happened for accountability, time t o stop, time to lay down on the flor, val aske d if I should be bloging, I say no, but for the case of psych, I sya yes, good bye.

gfatst pee, so many sober people, in the lab, it's amaxing that I made it there, I was able t o lock the door, I'm not sure if I should be typing this, maybe I'm sobeing up, I hope I get to paint soon, l\et's hope for the best, nfast ppeee, that was wonder full, sooooo may sobe people, papers papers paperse, I'mm all done with thsose, in the finder ,, silly, open apple shift N it's reall y easy if yo uwant to cvreate a new folder, I hope we get to paint soon, delete you bastart, I'm so excited that I locked the door and unlocked it, it was really quick, what a long blog, I hope it wil be funny, silly silly silly, it's a good thing the puncuation stil ewonrks, not ledgible, funny how typing a nad hand writing are not, ok, this is the end, time to sit and stare, byw agian

oh, I burnt my lips on a cigarette, we can do it, but my lips still hurrt, see, she was drunk too, and she was drunk , so we have to figure it out, hope fully, funy funny funny, mock interviews, what's that mean, no one can miss the last few days, I havne no idea. you can always get a ride, it's always poosibe, as I posted in my b;log, it's for sure, dued, for sure, the qestion is: oh yeah, back to the start. I hope we get to paint sune:L val, time is just so tiny: baybe t's type is so tiny, the, times new roman, arial, halvetcva, fuck times new roman, I ;ike arial the best, obver sude, helvetical has sentimental value, I can't believe ?I'm still typing, maybe Iu'll send this blog too. bye!

posted again, I wonder if the last one made it, I clicked it too soon, I wonder if it will work, I'm not sure, amvber is drunk too. ok, so the date was wrong. silly drunk. ok, post again!!!!

continued post
I'm not sure if I got the syntax right, but this is fairly amusing, for some reason, it's not checking the mail. I sent the post because ti went to the mail sc4eeen, through auto -rab, isn;'t safari great. I'll help val now. pause, are you sure you had sent it, no wone reallt know, I hipoe this is fairly amsuing, I"m trying to figure out my state, wehere as we were just l,isteneing to spice, girls, I'lll keep writing and hopefully I might remember this tomorrow, maybe not, readd the bottom first, I'm not paying attention. fucking microsoft, I hate it, it su cks. give it the old damn-damn-boozal, and you'll find out, who plays with foozle, like a fanoodle, you'll be happy, when the people, find the slappy, don't do the slappy, you're a meanie, waht the hell am I typing feemy, maybe I' won't send this patootie, because it'a a song fanootie, well you can respond faniddle, then you know why we play rhe fiddle, we don't like the silly flam flam, like chicag it's a slam slam, and you will kow what all the shit is, like the big, shi-fazitle. Iso those wereds weren't real real. I'm not sing ing any more mre, damn dongs stuck in my head ead, damn email won't work work work work work wrok wrok wokr , sill typing, it is fun-nnt, iy is not like the onky, silly gibons at the zoo, may a loud racket, not like you you. whay a strange blog, this has been been, can we help her, will we win win? good, we figured it our t and my ear itched, hopefuly we can paint soon, what's with this plkuralization, I'm not sure sure. sill y song it should stop now, okay, it's done, just toping, enjoy the revelry, I had to think about that wod, typing, maybe we're done now, we're sone, noepe not really. in a bit, it has to due with the fifth of january, when registration starts DON;T FOGET, we'll use this for later reference, so I know when classes start again. I can't blieeve that this semester is almost over. ooh, it's colf play again, always cold play, manybe I'll post this now, I can always manage/edit it later, yay slash marks!

Realize: I'm Drunk
ut always amazes me ow much you can remember when your're drunk, I'm finding this very funny, forisnatnce, they keys, work, amaxing, alsso, I can remember how to type, kind of , also, I was able to sign in, it's amazing, I think I will enjoy looking at this tomorrow, this will be a verry funny vlog, when I'm dober, I'll give it, maybe two points, but only that, because, I'm sure, not everyone wll find it funny, last time I did this, I forot to subimt the blog, still laughing, I wonder if I'll submit it this time, only you or I wil olow, I'll know if I don't submit it, you and I will jnow if I do, funny kieys, so white, I ''m mnot really sure what my hands are doing, rythmic percussinon, I'l just keep typing till we're ready to go to,, t o the art bukiild ing , I' hope you'll all have a good laugh of this, because I a right now, man , this is a funny blog, I wonder if you the reader) will seeit, I['m still laughting, man , it's amazing what a bottle s of chmagne will do i you, a bottle of campagne, like the french work for ch room, man , I hope I submit this , I hope you'll have a good laugh, so I will tpp, why won't it check the email, we're not rea;ly sire, why no, whay the hel's wrongwith it, I dpn;t think it's making an sense an y more, sill com=-pu-ta dor-a, you are silly, I wonder if

Well, if you do the math ($23 an hour x 2000 hours a year) it only comes out to $46,000. That's still $8,456 short. And 2000 hours a year is pretty stiff.

Yes, DC does have a gun ban. Doesn't mean a whole lot, obviously, but I think it's nice. And for the record all but one of the shootings were in Maryland, not the District. And the one that was in the District was really close to Maryland. The prevailing theory behind this is that there aren't many wide open spaces in the District that facilitate sniping.

In other news, what did I hear this crossing the patio? "You don't need botox! You have like no wrinkles!" Jesus. How about "You don't need botox! You're not even 30!" or "You don't need Botox! There are starving children in Ethiopia!" or "You don't need Botox! You need facial expressions!" Jesus. I do miss you guys.

Bets on when the cost of war in Iraq will reach be over 100 billion?

p.s. I realize that it isn't that hard to figure out.

Dude, Montréal cost of living is way cheap. And where else can you get a 33cl bottle of beer for C$1.50? Well okay, in the States, and Pabst isn't that bad as long as you keep it in context with other American beers, but still...

As for guns, ask Eric about that. Besides, no guns in D.C.? Wasn't there something about a sniper not long ago...

$23 an hour? Don't forget that's Canadian which comes out to what, like $17.54 an hour in US? You can't raise a family on that, especially not in Montréal.

And what's wrong with Pabst? And there aren't any guns here in DC, either.

Just some gorgeous pictures of Montréal here. Enough to make you wonder why you're here looking at American grad schools brochures. Then you read about the MTC transit strike and suddenly guns, Pabst and sky-high tuition don't seem so bad.

Still. Here's my street and corner store:
Thank you,!

art theory#1

Art is pretentious.

Being an artist is pretentious. Rene Magrite was pretentious. Mary Oliver is pretentious.

Many new artists start with the idea that they have something worth saying. They go about art as a method to say these wonderful things. Sometimes it works, but often it doesn’t. In any case, isn’t it a bit pretentious? You assume that your idea is worth the paper or canvas or clay that it is conveyed through. You also assume that your idea is worth the time it takes me to look at it or read it. Let me assure you, your idea just isn’t worth that much.

More experienced artists will tell you that the idea comes out of the process and is a result of the clay, paper or paint. The idea is not the goal. But isn’t that a bit pretentious? Don’t you think? Now you are assuming that your art is worth my time even though you don’t have any ideas. Now that’s pretentious.

So being an artist, or being one who observes art, means being OK with your own and others pretensions. You have to let down your pretension guard and let the art come out – as pretentious as that may be.

Without a pretension, there would be no art.

(hey, it's a theory)

from costa rica. so everyone stop by the art building and giver a big hi-dee-hoh!

And kate, I'd give it a yay!

Kate: thanks for the tip, but when I try to do that I get a "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error.

events motherfucker (Tuesday.11.18.03)

this is just to say

there will be
an open mic
the game room

you will probably
to go to

you bitch.
it's at 8:00
and i'll
be performing

at 10:00 we are watching The Sting in the yost room. It's for anyone who wants to get in on a new movie watching club - led by our own D-Bo.

be there.

Monday, November 17, 2003

how to publish to the web
go to oncampus and then in the :: more web services :: menu scroll down to "'M:' drive via web" and click go. or go here. i'll let you figure it out from there, it's fairly intuitive...

Can anyone help me with upload things to my GC web page? I always used ws-ftp in the lab back at Goshen. What can I use from the GW network? I tried downloading ws-ftp, but it doesn't seem to connect.

Basically I want to post this 11mb file somewhere on the web so Tasara can download it.

and the fun faces winners of today are the andrews

PC Bricolage


Also: I'm a big fan of the all-CSS new look. We can change the side content really easily, you know...

I liked the old look better...

The weekend passed by tolerably. A good article in the Post Magazine about why we all should hate the MPAA. And a Torts outline.

Also, Meg, I apologize for my parents. I will make them sit in your section next time, though contacting my sister about this may be more effective. I'll bring it up with them at Thanksgiving. And then I'll let you know what they say.

And hey hey, who am I going to get to see at Ft. Benning? Chime in, y'all!

what are you doing wednesday january 5th at 9:30?am

how about international folk dancing?!?!?
c'mon guys, it'll be fun, a little 1 credit hour RFC fun!!!!

oh, story:
so i was taking a mid morning bike ride and over the hill i see ken pletcher running. as i ride by i hear "hi schrockee!" it was great.

also, if you follow jesse's link, about half way down the page there as a link back to our page, cool, huh?

Eighteen million five hundred thousnad United states Dollars

ok, so I was organizing my email (next task:my room) and was getting ready to trash my trash, when I thought I should look to see exactly what I was trashing. Here are two emails from Chief Egobike Madu and Jason L Smoker, respectivley:


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify Chief Egobike Madu . This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual or the coperate entity named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Dear Sir,
I am Chief Egobike Madu,Executive Director with Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC).Please accept my apology for using this medium to convey a transaction of this magnitude, but this is due to the confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium.Be informed that a member of the Nigeria Export Promotion Council who was a member of government delegation to your country gave your enviable credentials/particulars to me.I have decided to seek your co-operation in the execution this deal described hereunder, for the benefit of all parties and hoping you will keep it as TOP SECRET because of the nature of the business.

Within the NNPC (where I work as a director),and with the cooperation of four other top officials, we have in our possession as overdue payment bills of Eighteen million five hundred thousnad United states Dollars which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and cooperation of a company/ or an individual to receive the said funds, via a reliable bank account.Quite frankly,we are handicapped as the Nigeria civil service laws strongly prohibits us from owning/or operating a foreign account hence your importance in this whole transaction.

This amount Eighteen million five hundred thousnad United states Dollars represents the the balance of the total value of a contract on behalf of my corporation by a foreign contracting firm which we the officials involved deliberately over-invoiced. Though the actual cost have been paid to the original contractor leaving the balace in the tune of the said amount which we have in principle got approval to remit by Key Tested Telegraphic transfer to any foreign account you will provide by filing an application through the justice minstry here in Nigeria for the transfer of rights and privelages of the former contractor to you.

I have the authority of my partners to propose that should you be willing to assist us in this transaction by way of providing the required account to receive this fund, your share or the entire sum will be Thirty percent amounting to Five million five hundred and fifty thousnad United states Dollars, Sixty precent amounting to Eleven million United States Dollars for us and Ten percent amounting to One million Eight Hundred and Fifty thousand United State Dollars will be used to settle taxation and other miscellaneous expences in the course of transfering the money to your account. The business itself is One Hundred percent foolproof and safe, as long as you mantain utmost secrecy and confidentiality.Furthermore your area of specialisation will not be a hindrance to the successful completion of this transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint me. Should you be willing to assist positively with a common goal, endeavour to contact me immediately .If you are not interested, please also indicate so that it will enable me to contact other foreign partner with recommendation to carry out this deal.

I want to assure you that my colleagues and I are in a position to make the payment of this claim possible provided that you can give us a very concrete assurace of the safety of our share. Please, always treat this matter with utmost confidentiality, because we will not comprehend any form of exposure as we are still in active service. Time is of essence in this business, so kindly act fast.

Note: I advise that your contact with me should always be via this medium for secuirity purposes and successful achievement of our our primary motive(i.e. successful realisation of our aim of this transaction without hitches). I await in anticipation of your fullest cooperation.
Chief Egobike Madu.

{Virus?} facial recipes

Hi! How are you?

I send you this file in order to have your advice

See you later. Thanks

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Dude, I like it. I like it a lot.
Great work.

Except maybe not the ff5555 background behind the Quick links...

okay, what do y'all think, if you hate it i can put it back

wow! the blog is changed! Interesting set-up. Although the colors kind of fight with each other and hurt my eyes. Other thoughts?

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Soda Shop Sightings
In the Soda shop today, accompanied by one or more of their offspring, I spotted Nicole's Brenneman's parents, Weiss's parents, Aaron Dusk Lehman's parents, and Rachel Eisenstat's parents. If one of these wealthier-than-a-college-student couples would have sat in my section, maybe I would have made more than $25 tonight.

Ross and Greta who? Bay? Kauffman?

Friday, November 14, 2003

Supervisor question of the day:

"Derek, are Ross [Bay] and Greta [Kauffman]...?" (She does this thing with her hand where she puts her index and middle finger into the air.") Not exactly sure what she's asking I respond, "What do you mean?" The rest of the conversation goes as follows:

Marge: Are they together?
Derek: Are they dating each other?
M: Yeah.
D: The Ross and Greta who work here?
M: Yeah.
D: Uh, I don't think so.
M: Oh. They're just really good friends?
D: I guess. But who knows? I'm often the last to know things.

Ok, I'll give whoever wrote the amg review "precision and repitition," but there's no Sonic Youth influence that I can hear. Black Sabbath and I would add Metallica are a lot more like it. And "post rock?" No way. It's all rock and roll.

Stinking Lizaveta rocks, man!

Dude, that was an amazing show.

Imagine taking all the bad parts out of heavy metal: the flashy instruments, the obnoxious performers, the bad instrumentals, and all the words. Replace this with gratuitous wailing into the pickups. Also replace the bass guitar with a strange, skinny sort of fretless stand-up bass. That's Stinking Lizaveta. And you get to keep all the devil/hard rock hand signs.

I knew I was in love when the title of their first song was "Sketches of Cain." Like, ohmigod. And then, for the closer, the guitarist climbed on top of his amp for the whole song.

And the openers were really swell, too. They would've been good just by themselves, actually. "Hello, we're The Izzys and we're here from New York to play some rock and roll for you." So they play good old Southern-style guitar and rock out. "And now we're going to slow it down some to give you some to to reflect." And they rock out slower. And then they pick it up again.

Anyway, a great show.

Yo: - This is just kind of fun.
Also: Don't worry Derek, there are ways around the whole "Mom" thing. Check it out.

And Celeste, I really hope nothing too bad happened. Let us know ASAP. We also are there for you.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I just got a phone message from my cousin Kristen, the one who lived with my family while I was a teenager. She said she assumed I had heard the bad news, and she was there for me if I wanted to talk. I'd graciously listened to her talk about bad things in her life I lot, she said, and she wanted to be there for me.

That's all very loving, the problem is I have no idea what she's talking about. And my parents aren't home. So I don't know what's going on. But I assume no one's dead, because she said "See you at Thanksgiving" not "see you in a couple days."

mike, some feed back on your site

1. i would recommend using a sans-serif font, it's much easier to read on a computer screen
2. what is that arrow thing for - kinda confusing
3. i like how the link roll over is the same color as the menu stuff
4. the "z" hits the edge og the frame
5. the reviews are a little wordy, maybe have like a star system at the top of the page for those of us who are illiterate
6. i'd probably change the color scheme, it's like so 1995

Beware of what you Blog!

We should all be made more aware of the dangers of Blogging. If you would like further information there is an excellent article at a very reputable Web site, Just be careful. ... And don't Blog drunk!

The Velvet Lounge v. Mi Casita

Yep, it's true. There are fun people at the law school, but y'all are better.

So tonight while you're boozing it up at Mi Casita make sure to say "hi" to my sister and think of me. I'll be at The Velvet Lounge, drinking PBR and counting trucker caps.

Number 1 Reason To Move to New York: People are finished with wearing trucker caps there, at least that's what I hear.

Mi Casita - y'all better be there

p.s. i added a little somethin' somethin' to the blog page...

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

speaking of balls...

i made a website tooo! yay, i'm special.
check it out
give me feed back

Chicagoo, in AD 28, a time-and-a-half. Dodging security, small turnout, and a lot of songs (maybe too many)

rob, mike - #4 is too symetrical, but it is also the most proffesional. If mike is going for proffesional, #4 looks the best, it may not be the most creative, but it at least appears proffesional. and mike, I agree with making the arrow smaller...what does the first page look like?

Monday, November 10, 2003

The Matrix: Revolutions was a waste of time

Do not, I repeat, do not waste your hard-earned cash on this movie. It's going to cost you what, like eight dollars? You could buy a six-pack of Goose Island IPA for that and still have a dollar left to roll up and snort cocaine through. Trust me, this would be a lot more fun, and probably have better dialogue. "+snort+" See? Doesn't that just kick the ass of, "You know what it is that you need to do."

Why do I let my housemates drag me to stuff like this? I swear, next time we're going to see Love Actually where I won't spend half of the movie with my eyes closed because of the blood. (Do you think I can get half the ticket price back because I only saw half of the movie?)

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Mike, go for sketch #4, it's the most professional.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Three important things I learned from reading Newsweek (11/03/2003):

1. Babies are EVIL!: "'Biting between young children is not uncommon, but I have never seen anything like this.' Sime Vuckov, head of pediatrics at a Rijeka, Croatia, hospital, on a 1-year-old patient who was attacked by 14 babies in day care. The children bit him more than 30 times after a nanny briefly stepped outside a playroom."

2. Actually, I've already known this, but I believe it now more than ever: Bill Cosby is cool!

3. Britney Spears is a dumb*ss!: "Q: What effect do you think your steamy performances are having on kids? A: It's a visual thing. That's why I'm here now, because I dreamed of these moments. Kids need that. If they don't dream, they have what? That's what makes you feel spiritual, connected with God. ...." WHAT? She also stated that she's "been into a lot of Indian spiritual religions," but when asked if one of them is Hinduism, she replied, "What's that? Is it like kabbalah?"

Médecins sans frontières is pissed about the FTAA
To the trade ministers gathered in Miami,

Medicines are necessary to save lives. In trade agreements, health must be
protected over patents.

The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) negotiations on intellectual
property threaten to further restrict access to medicines in the Americas.

To ensure the protection of public health and the promotion of access to
medicines for all, there should be no intellectual property provisions
included in the FTAA.

Trade Ministers of the Americas, I implore that you uphold your obligation
to protect public health by rejecting intellectual property provisions in
the FTAA.

Sasha Miguel Dyck

Frente Mennonitica de Liberación Nacional (FMLN)

City:                   Country:
Goshen, IN             United States

You can do it too!

the secret lives of Sara Wakefield

by day, bluffton college's head basketball coach.
by night, actress, presenter, voice-overerist.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

"Well I Hope That You Die"

I feel like I'm always talking about shows that I should go see but that I never actually go to them. So I was happy to get out and see New Model Army last night. I went with Guilarme and his new girlfriend, Josephine. He'd been saying she was really great, and she turned out to be.

I was kind of disappointed that the whole band wasn't there. Only the frontman, Justin Sullivan, was there with a lead guitarist/keyboardist who looked like the cartoon store guy from the Simpsons and played competently. But it turned out to be okay. They did the second-best cover of Masters of War that I've ever heard. They do their best stuff while rocking out.

The crowd was small but pretty intense, screaming out songs and singing along. It was the first night of New Model Army's first US tour in ten years, so I guess that's to be expected.

Anyway, they're worth seeing if they're only a few blocks away but I wouldn't travel across state lines to see them.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

The results are in:

Goshen re-elects Kauffman, gives Dems majority on Council. Personally, I think Jesse Miller would have made a great representative for the 5th District, but that's just one man's opinion.

How about Mermaid? You can edit posts, too, to correct mistakes.

But anyway, the place to look for news is, as always, ZNet. This article in particular seems to be exactly what you're looking for. I think it's also published in Z Magazine this month, which the Good Library does subscribe to.

ZNet also has a large number of "Watch" pages where articles relating to specific topics are organized. Try the Terror/War Watch for more articles.

Another thing you can do at the library is check out Alternative Press Index. It's located with the rest of the indices in the reference room, near the beginning because it starts with "A." In fact, it's always a good place to start when writing any paper that has a political element. Unfortunately the Good Library only subscribes to a handful of the many excellent publications indexed, but you might very well find useful articles in the Progessive, the Nation, In These Times, or more in Z Magazine.

On a personal note, you might want to include a section on how the Bush administration is doing nothing to deal with what is almost definitely the most serious threat: a terrorist attack using nuclear weapons. Biological and chemical attacks get a lot of press, but really those haven't been very effective when used in the past. Modern medicine can easily control even the nastiest diseases and you need an enormous amount of chemicals to kill more than a handful of people.

While it would be difficult for terrorists to get their hands on a working nuclear bomb, if they could do so they could use it to devastating effect. It wouldn't be that hard to rent a van, put the bomb in the back, and drive it towards the White House. Personally, I'm counting on the IMF and World Bank monoliths to protect me from the blast. This is a very real threat and by invading Iraq Bush has made it all the more likely to occur.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Who scored in the top 1/6th of the class on the Civ Pro midterm? Oh yeah oh yeah it's me!

Well, it seems that I really haven't been snubbing Rita Siemion as much as I thought I was. She doesn't seem to have noticed. She keepings bopping along to chat with me about the big memo that I'm mostly done with but that she's skipping classes to work on. Today I decided to give up on trying to snub her. I'm no good at not liking people. I can hate people pretty well, but just not liking them isn't something I can do very well. They tend not to notice that I don't like them.

No prob, Rob. Just thank my Jewish ancestry and overall chutzpah.

Also: Note the two new links on the left. One is in solidarity with Troy Yoder, Alisa's pilot friend who is still in critical condition. The other is just kinda neat. And speaking of neat pilots, the Kanags introduced me to the NGPA the other day. Yes, the National Gay Pilots Association. Boy, those gay pilots. What a bunch of jetsetters.

cheers, y'all.

Monday, November 03, 2003


Dear Ms Yoder,

Thank you kindly for the invitation to the Persident's house for the annual Etiquette Dinner. I gladly accept, and look foward to the soirée for the following reasons:

Will you be joining in the formalities as well? I sure hope so. My stomach is growling already!

See you soon,
Sasha Dyck

Update: Etiquette, part II

So glad you can make it, Mr. Dyck. Our little party will no doubt be enhanced by your graceful presence. More information will be sent forth next week, but get that tux pressed now.

Ms. Yoder

The Weekend

Got hit on, which always makes you feel good. Passed out on the living room floor, which doesn't. Damn.

But in funnier news, I'm now heavily invested in Clark.

Also, hopefully I'm going to make it to the concert Wednesday. New Model Army.

And wow, the costumes below certainly trounce my limited efforts to be an early Bruce Springsteen.

Michael Moore and "The Simpsons" getting sued?

James Nichols said that Bowling for Columbine "maliciously portrays him as the poster child for what is wrong with America today and falsely accuses him of being one of the perpetrators in the second-worst act of terrorism in the history of the United States." And Fox News Channel is upset with "The Simpsons" for making fun of the crawl items that are superimposed over the channel's newscasts: "Do Democrats cause cancer? Find out at ... Rupert Murdoch: Terrific dancer ... Dow down 5000 points ... Study: 92 per cent of Democrats are gay ... JFK posthumously joins Republican Party ... Oil slicks found to keep seals young, supple. ..."

Sunday, November 02, 2003

A real Toolset and a nice, hot ham.

Men suffer from so much satyriasis!

Although, it often seems to be others who suffer the effects.
Satyriasis: abnormally intense sexual desire in men.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Women are such nymphomaniacs!

I didn't know this, but maybe this is just common knowledge to everybody else. All of the dictionarys that I can find state that "nymphomaniacs" have to be female. Is there a male version of this? And if so, what is it called? ("Man"?)

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