"An industrial capitalist society that does not recognize ecological limits but only perpetual economic expansion and has the profit motive as driver, will eventually consume and destroy itself."
"But we will all be taken down with it."
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Aren't a member of this blog, but have something to say? That's OK! Use username "shoupguest" with password "shoupguest".*
Thanks, Mike
First, I want to thank Mike for not reviewing my page which I slapped together a long time ago before I knew much HTML and I haven't been able to delete because I haven't been able to get any ftp clients that will let me log on and delete it.
For the record, I did not describe Buffy as "good," I merely said that it "rocks." It's funny in a way that hovers between intentionally and unintentionally. And I like a little suspense every once in a while. Maybe it would get boring after a second viewing.
I tried to think about shows that I would actually call "good." I've come up with three, four if you count South Park, but I don't because we don't get cable. A prize to the first person who can guess all three, though the third one is a doozy. And a smaller prize the first person who comes up with each good show that I didn't think of. (Prizes to be awared during my spring break which is the week after y'all's.)
All of these shows are on English-language US broadcast networks and were in production during the '90s or are currently in production. Prizes will only be awarded to Shoup Blog members.