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Friday, April 30, 2004

Your tax dollars at work, torturing Iraqis

So the mainstream press has finally begun talking about the mistreatment and torture of Iraqi detainees, an issue that Christian Peacemaker Teams has been highlighting for five months.

And worse reports are now coming to light. The prisoner in the photo at right was told that if he fell off the box he would be electrocuted, according to 60 Minutes II. According to InfoShop news, "The CBS News program said the Army also had photographs showing a detainee with wires attached to his genitals and another showing a dog attacking an Iraqi prisoner."

The Guardian reported today that one "civiliant contractor" apparently raped a male Iraqi detainee to "soften him up" for interrogation. However, his mercenary status protects him. The colonel quoted in the article says, "One contractor was originally included with six soldiers, accused for his treatment of the prisoners, but we had no jurisdiction over him." Mercenary interrogators were also apparently involved in command of the U.S. soldier's filmed gloating as they graphically humiliatied Iraqis.

The U.S. military is clearly continuing to innovate in anti-accountability measures by sub-contracting out the dirtiest operations in Iraq to corporate contractors. After decades of teaching Central American militaries similar tacts, they're finally walking the talk with their own version of paramilitaries.

The six low-ranking soldiers who caught on film committing atrocities will likely serve as scapegoats for the military, ignoring the clear systematic abuses reported in the numerous testimonies collected by CPT. For those of you who haven't read CPT's Report on Detainees, here's an excerpt (keep in mind this is a statistical summary from 72 testimonies):

C. Coalition Forces's Treatment of Detainees
i. Cases in which Coalition Forces and/or contracted workers reportedly abused the detainee: 10
a. Reported instances of hitting with hands: 11
b. Reported instances of hitting with other objects: 1
c. Reported instances of kicking: 5
d. Reported instances of stomping: 2
e. Reported instances of aggressive shoving: 6
f. Reported instances of other physical abuse: 2
g. Reported instances of excessively tight handcuffing: 4
h. Reported instances of prolonged handcuffing: 10
i. Reported instances of prolonged forced kneeling: 7
j. Reported instances of prolonged exposure to sunlight: 4
k. Reported instances of prolonged covering of eyes: 3
l. Reported instances of prolonged exposure to loud music: 2
m. Reported instances of deprivation of food: 3
n. Reported instances of deprivation of water: 11
o. Reported instances of deprivation of minimal sanitary conditions: 2
p. Reported instances of deprivation of urination privileges: 1
q. Reported instances of refusal of necessary medical care: 2
r. Reported instances of electrocution: 1
s. Reported instances of prying off a toenail: 1
t. Reported instances of psychological abuse: 3

More effectively than any one or anything else, the U.S. military in Iraq is hardening and recruiting the next generation of potential terrorists. "They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind. The stalks of wheat wither, producing no grain. And if there is any grain, foreigners will eat it." (Hosea 8:7)

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