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"An industrial capitalist society that does not recognize ecological limits but only perpetual economic expansion and has the profit motive as driver, will eventually consume and destroy itself."

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David Orton

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

While TimN is busy selling out to the U$/Israel Death Machine, I'm getting emails like this:

Queridos/as amigos/as,

Cumplo en extenderles la presente invitación, en la expectativa de que nos acompañen en tan sentida celebración. Todos están invitados. De ser posible, inviten a amigos/as, compañeros/as que juzguen pertinente,

Pedimos disculpas si ya han recibido este correo e invitación. Adicionalmente les pedimos que nos confirmen vuestra asistencia por esta vía.

Saludos cordiales,

Dear Friends,

Hereby, let me share with you the attached invitation for this coming Friday 18th at the Residence of the Embassy of Bolivia. Everybody is welcome. If you consider pertinent, invite as well your friends to this celebration,

Our apologies if you have already received this invitation and mail. Additionally, we kindly ask you to confirm your presence at this celebration,

All the best,

José Iván Dávalos

Embassy of Bolivia
1st. Secretary
3014 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington DC - 20008

Embajada de Bolivia
1er Secretario
3014 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington DC - 20008

No seriously, this is the exact text of an email I got today.

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